"Yoga serves the individual, and does so through inviting

transformation rather than by giving information."

 (T.K.V. Desikachar)

My classes are gentle and powerful at the same time, and include both dynamic as well as static elements. I practice with mindfulness and concentration, but there is always enough room for humor. I teach in German and English, also bilingually if required.


My style is characterized by the elements of Iyengar, Asthanga and Vini-Yoga (according to Sri T.S.K Desikachar). We practise with typical aids such as blocks, straps and cushions to enable even the inexperienced to adopt the correct posture.

In my classes, I attach great importance to careful anatomical alignment, taking into account the individuality of each person.

“Yoga is adapted to the person and not the person to yoga”.

Here I follow the view of Sri T.K.V. Desikachar, who saw himself as a yoga therapist.


In addition to the correct and safe execution of the exercises (asanas), my focus is on breathing (pranayama), as well as the conscious training of one's own perception of body and mind, and the relaxation phases at the end of each class.


Ultimately, we should learn to stay with ourselves in order to get to know ourselves better: physically, mentally and emotionally - with all our resistances, expectations and ideas about ourselves, in order to recognize at some point what makes us who we are, what we want and who we actually are.


 It's never too late to start practicing yoga.



Taufkirchen · München · Deutschland

Tel.: +49 (0)163 34 67 310

E-Mail: kontakt@claudia-vas.com