Things to know about yoga

"Yoga leads to a body that is easeful, a mind that is peaceful,

which results in a life that is useful."

(Swami Satchidananda)

What is Yoga?


Yoga is a millennia-old Indian science whose basic idea is the connection between body, mind and soul. It aims to help us understand our inner world through various techniques such as physical exercises (asanas), breathing (pranayama), mindfulness, concentration, meditation and certain rules of conduct.


Yoga is not a religion of faith, but a philosophy of life.


The Sanskrit word “yoga” means “union”, a harmonious interplay of body, mind and soul in all aspects of life. Only when all three form a unity is the body healthy. 

Yoga brings serenity and calmness


The positive effects of regular yoga practice are manifold and scientifically proven:

Yoga exercises (asanas) paired with conscious breathing (pranayama), strengthen the entire musculature, improve posture and thus counteract back problems. At the same time, it has a calming and stress-relieving effect, as yoga brings the mind into the present moment, creating clarity and awareness.

The mind becomes peaceful and can cope better with everyday stress. All of this supports and strengthens the immune system as well as self-esteem. 

General information


Yoga contributes to well-being and promotes good health.

Yoga is suitable for all age groups, from kindergarten children to senior citizens, regardless of fitness level and constitution.

It is therefore never too late to start practicing yoga.


However, if you have physical limitations or health problems,

yoga should only be practiced in consultation with a doctor and therapist under the guidance of an experienced teacher.


It is very important for me to be informed about any injuries, pregnancy, etc. 


Do not eat anything heavy about 2 hours before yoga.

Practice barefoot and in comfortable clothing. 

 “Anyone can practise yoga as long as they breathe.”

(Sri Patthabi Jois)



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